9610 Commonwealth Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32220
A Bare Bottom - Removing Biscuit's Antifoul Paint
Sep 25, 2024
Over the course of three days in September, the 19th, 22nd and the 25th, I spent a good deal of time in a Tyvek suit and a full-face respirator. The required PPE was due to the need to remove Biscuit's antifoul paint. With the Bosch dust extractor, I utilized both the 6" DA as well as the 5" DA and made my way around the bottom, with an initial goal of removing all of the easy access areas.
Once the majority of the bottom was down to gelcoat, or in some instances down to previously applied fairing compound, I enlisted the support of a couple boat stands to free up the space below the trailer's aft pads. The areas below the keel and the trailer's forward pads were not accessible, and so would need to await the potential relocation to a local boat yard for a quick weekend bottom job. The idea is to move Biscuit to the Sadler Point Marina, place her on stands and blocks, and then complete the small amount of material removal as well as apply an epoxy barrier coat and new antifoul. The critical areas being the bottom ~5" of the keel and where the trailer's forward pads engage the hull. It's good to have 99% of the antifoul removed. With the exception of the interior, she is just about ready to turn the corner into the rebuild phase.
Total Hrs: 18.25 (over three days: 19th, 22nd, and 25th)