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Biscuit, a 1974 Cape Dory Typhoon

Project Detail:


Mid-October through TBD

Project Scope: Hull and deck paint, structural repairs, brightwork assembly and refinishing, other tbd


Project Hours:  

2nd Fairing Coat to Coachroof Repair (7-31-24)

Jul 31, 2024

It appeared as though I'd get away with a single fairing coat on the coachroof repair, but after sanding with the 6" Bosch, I quickly saw the imperfections and organized a quick second coat. As stated, I sanded the repair with an 80-grit disc on the 6" Bosch, vacuumed and solvent-washed the surface, and then prepared a batch of thickened epoxy (West System 406/407) combo,. With a plastic squeegee, I applied and pulled the thickened epoxy across the low spots with what appeared to be great results. The next round of sanding will reveal the effort.

While I was at it, I sanded the poop deck repair and applied another round of fairing compound (again, the 406/407 mixture). Approaching birthday celebrations will place a hold on the restorations until the next week, but good progress if being made on prepping the substrate for primer.

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