9610 Commonwealth Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32220
Second Fairing Application to Cockpit Repairs (5-11-24)
May 11, 2024
Work that took me to a marina prevented any significant time of Biscuit for the day; however, I did manage to wrap things up offsite and come back to the shop to continue on the three cockpit repairs areas - the filling of the bilge pump discharge thru-hull and the two bolt holes on the side decks for securing the winch bases.
I removed the peel ply that I had applied to the initial round of fairing and glass work, and then sanded the over-fill back to fair with the gelcoat surface. With a quick clean up using the vacuum and then a solvent wash, I turned to the epoxy dispenser and mixed a small batch of West System resin. To the thoroughly mixed resin, I added 407 low-density fairing filler, mixing to a smooth consistency. With a wide plastic squeegee, I applied a second skim coat to the three repairs areas. This second round should bring the surface fair to the surrounding gelcoat surfaces across all three repairs areas. The primer paint to follow.
Total Hrs: 1.25