16) CD 27 - Completing Doryen
March 2, 2024
Having installed the padeyes the previous week, there appeared a gap on the outboard side of the washer-backing nut combo. The void was concerning given the loads that would be placed on the machine screws, even with them being 3/8" and 1/2" stainless screws. The fix for the issue was to fabricate G-10 spacers to provide a flat and void-free surface for the washers and backing nuts to land on.
I tackled each of the 6 padeyes one at a time, backing out the nuts, removing the washers, and where appropriate removing the grounding wires. I then applied SitkaFlex 291 to the underside of the G-10 spacers and slid them into place, followed by the washers, grounding wire where necessary, followed by the backing nuts. The installation was fairly methodical, and take some time from padeye to padeye, but went without issue.
Next, I turned to the backstay supports located in the lazarette, to apply a schedule of 1708 biaxial cloth to the outboard confluence of where the knees meet the backing plate. Tabbing the two structures together would further support tying together the deck to hull, within which the padeye is secured. I measured and cut the biaxial cloth, created some fillets with thickened epoxy, and then placed the three pieces of 1708 cloth in place. I finished the area with a covering of peel ply, which later will be removed. The owner may choose to paint this area and would be recommended.
With the lazarette complete, I moved back up to the coachroof to complete the installation of the thru-hull fitting which would carry the mast wires through the deck and into the head...on to the main panel. I sanded and prepped the gelcoat, cleaned with a solvent, and then thoroughly applied SitkaFlex 291 to the interior flange of the thru-hull, and from below pressed it up into the underside of the deck. I moved out to the mast step and secured the backing nut securely to the thru-hull. I cleaned up the squeeze out, placed the section of hose over the thru-hull and then applied a hose clamp.
I final task was to sand the gelcoat fill on the transom. These were old fastener holes on the transom where the swim ladder was installed. I sanded through to 2000 grit, as done on the coachroof, and finally cleaned the surface with a solvent. A final visit to Doryen to assist the owner with raising the stick will come in the next few weeks, but this was all for now.
Total Hrs: 4.25